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Payment Services & Cryptoassets

Our expertise in regulatory rules and guidance for the Payments sector allows us to advise and support firms of all sizes, from remittance companies to FinTech innovators and traditional banks.


The variety of firms we collaborate with


​We offer services to a broad spectrum of Asset Managers, encompassing a wide array of asset classes. Many members of our team have direct experience in the Asset Management sector, equipping them with a deep understanding of the regulatory hurdles you encounter. 

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Our FinTech expertise spans Crowdfunding, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending, Investment Management, Payment Services, and e-money firms, offering them comprehensive knowledge and experience.

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Open Banking

We have advised payment service providers, from Small Payment Institutions to Banks, on adherence to FSRA requirements and strategically applying exemptions under the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) to their business models.

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Payment Services

Our specialized Payment Services team has a deep knowledge of the ADGM regulatory landscape, offering expert advice and support to a broad spectrum of payment service providers, including banks, Money Services Businesses (MSBs), Payment Institutions (PIs), and Small Payment Institutions (SPIs).

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