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Authorisation & Applications

We've helped numerous businesses navigate regulatory approvals by staying in touch with regulatory bodies.



Achieve Compliance Excellence with AZH Ltd

At AZH Ltd, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional authorization and application services, meticulously tailored to meet the unique regulatory needs of various industries. With our extensive expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence, we ensure that your business remains compliant and operates seamlessly within the regulatory framework.

Our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, offering comprehensive solutions that cover every aspect of the authorization process. From obtaining necessary licenses to providing ongoing compliance support, we guide you through each step with precision and efficiency.

We understand the complexities and challenges associated with regulatory compliance. Therefore, we offer personalized services designed to address the specific requirements of your industry, whether it’s financial services, healthcare, insurance, or corporate sectors. Our goal is to simplify the process, reduce risks, and help your business thrive in a compliant environment.

Explore how AZH Ltd can support your regulatory needs through our tailored services, extensive resources, and expert advisory. Let us help you achieve compliance excellence and drive your business forward.

Use Cases

Learn about the advantages AZH offers to financial services providers

Client: International Investment Firm

Challenge: Securing a license to operate within the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).

Solution: AZH Ltd assisted the client in obtaining the necessary Financial Services Permission (FSP) from ADGM, ensuring all regulatory requirements were met, and providing ongoing compliance support.

Result: The client successfully received their FSP, allowing them to expand their operations into the Middle East market.

Client: Leading Wealth Management Company

Challenge: Navigating the regulatory landscape to obtain a Wealth Management License in Hong Kong.

Solution: AZH Ltd provided end-to-end support, from preparing application documents to liaising with the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong.

Result: The client received their license and began offering wealth management services in Hong Kong, enhancing their regional presence.

Client: Global Investment Firm

Challenge: Meeting the regulatory requirements for operating as a wholesale investment firm in Singapore.

Solution: AZH Ltd managed the entire application process, ensuring compliance with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) regulations and submitting all necessary documentation.

Result: The firm obtained its Capital Markets Services (CMS) license, enabling them to provide wholesale investment services in Singapore.

Client: Fintech Startup Specializing in Crypto Payments

Challenge: Launching a new cryptoasset payment platform and obtaining the required regulatory approval in the UK.

Solution: AZH Ltd assisted the client in securing an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), including compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations.

Result: The startup successfully launched their platform, fully compliant with UK regulations, and began processing transactions.

Client: Large Insurance Company

Challenge: Expanding into new markets and obtaining the necessary insurance licenses in the EU.

Solution: AZH Ltd provided comprehensive support, including preparing and submitting license applications to relevant regulatory bodies and ensuring ongoing compliance with local regulations.

Result: The company received their insurance licenses, enabling them to offer a range of insurance products across multiple EU countries.

Client: Large Insurance Company

Challenge: Expanding into new markets and obtaining the necessary insurance licenses in the EU.

Solution: AZH Ltd provided comprehensive support, including preparing and submitting license applications to relevant regulatory bodies and ensuring ongoing compliance with local regulations.

Result: The company received their insurance licenses, enabling them to offer a range of insurance products across multiple EU countries.

Client: Consumer Credit Provider

Challenge: Obtaining a Consumer Credit License to offer personal loans in Australia.

Solution: AZH Ltd managed the application process, including liaising with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and ensuring all documentation met regulatory standards.

Result: The provider was granted the Consumer Credit License, allowing them to expand their lending services in the Australian market.

Choose Your Services

Our financial experts meet regularly to discuss regulatory interactions and trends, ensuring tailored solutions for our clients.

Appointed Representatives

We assist companies in establishing and maintaining compliant AR networks.

Take This Services 

Variation of Permission

Regulated firm wanting to change activities? Contact us about applying for a variation of permission (VoP).

Take This Services 

Change in Control

Before changing control of a regulated company, seek approval from the supervisory authority.

Take This Services 

ADGM Authorisations

ADGM is a financial free zone in the UAE, ideal for organizations seeking a presence.

Take This Services 

DIFC Authorisation

DIFC is a leading financial zone in the UAE, regulated by the DFSA authority.

Take This Services 

SCA Authorisation

The SCA regulates the UAE's financial markets, ensuring compliance and integrity.

Take This Services 

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Take the Next Steps

Ensure your business meets all regulatory requirements with AZH Ltd's authorization and application services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you.

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