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Asset Management

Providing specialized services for startups and established firms in the Asset, Investment, and Fund Management sectors.



Empowering Asset Managers: Navigating Complexity, Achieving Goals, Building Partnerships

At AZH Ltd, we empower asset managers to navigate industry complexities and achieve their goals through strategic partnerships. Our comprehensive support includes:

Strategy Development: Crafting effective strategies to stay ahead in a dynamic market.

Digital Transformation: Implementing innovative technologies for enhanced efficiency.

Operational Excellence: Streamlining operations to maximize performance.

M&A and Private Equity Due Diligence: Providing thorough analysis and support for successful transactions.

Our team, comprising professionals with extensive experience in the Asset Management sector, is well-versed in navigating regulatory complexities. We assist asset managers in classifying their services or products, identifying target markets, and fulfilling their regulatory duties. This proactive engagement helps our clients reach their goals, cementing our reputation as a trusted partner. This dedication is why our clients remain with us over the years and refer us to their peers.


Authorisations and application services

Authorisation & Applications

Specializing in financial sector, ensuring compliance and assisting with authorizations.

Wind-down planning

Regulated firms need to know how to close their business, and we can help.

Change in Control

Submit a CiC notification before acquiring a regulated firm and obtain approval.

Variation of Permission

If you need to modify your regulated activities or add new products/clients, we can help with your VOP application.

Ongoing compliance support and regulatory projects

We support firms with a full suite of authorisation and application services.

Continuous Compliance-assistance

Ongoing support to keep your business compliant with evolving regulations.

Compliance Healthcheck

Evaluate your compliance status and receive actionable improvement recommendations.

Consumer Duty

Ensure your business meets high standards of consumer protection.

Regulatory Reporting

Accurate, timely reporting tailored to your industry’s regulatory requirements.

Capital and Liquidity Adequacy

Ensure your business meets regulatory capital and liquidity requirements effectively.


Provide comprehensive training programs to enhance regulatory compliance and operational efficiency.