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Broker Dealers

Services for start-ups to established firms with billions under management, transcending the full spectrum of the Asset, Investment and Fund Management sectors.



Our forex trading technology gives you all you need to create and operate a global, multi-level, competitive margin trading business configurable to your needs – and setup takes just a few weeks.

Access the most comprehensive end-to-end currency trading solution available on the market for retail and institutional brokers. Streamline, automate and optimize every stage of your workflow, with any configuration you need. 

Global liquidity network

We are connected to more than 250 forex brokers, banks, and asset managers, providing multi-asset liquidity aggregation.

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Create tailored client streams and maintain full and granular control over stream, price, spread, and order management in real-time.

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Risks Managed

Our award-winning Yield Manager application gives real-time exposure tracking and automates hedging positions to make life easier.

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1 Business Analysis & Planning

Industry Landscape Analysis

Comprehensive evaluation of industry trends and market dynamics.

Business Model Development

Tailor business models based on the specific needs and objectives of the Broker.

Operational Blueprint

Craft an operational plan encompassing technology, compliance, and risk management.

Licensing Assistance

Support in acquiring necessary brokerage licenses and certifications.

Regulatory Advisory

Offer guidance aligned with global and local regulatory requirements.

2 Technological Deployment & Integration

Platform Selection

Choose the most suitable trading platform and solution for the client.

System Integration

Seamlessly integrate third-party services such as liquidity providers, CRM, and other tools with the trading platform.

Infrastructure Setup

Establish efficient and reliable technological infrastructure.

Talent Recruitment & Training

Assist clients in hiring and training both technical and operational personnel.

3 Ongoing Management & Support

Risk Management

Provide risk management tools and strategies to ensure the safety of capital and business sustainability.

Compliance Monitoring

Maintain alignment with regulatory requirements and undergo periodic reviews.

Client Support & Maintenance

Offer client support and technical maintenance services.

Business Growth Advisory

Offer strategic advice for market expansion and client growth for brokers.