
Our expertise spans all industries and challenges, providing a unique perspective tailored to each client. We help you see new opportunities and achieve transformative outcomes.

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AZH-Capital Markets

Capital Markets

Our capital markets team offers asset managers and broker-dealers expert regulatory services.​


AZH-Wealth Management

Wealth Management

Our experienced Wealth Management Team simplifies complex regulations, providing clear guidance and interpretation.


people sitting on chair near glass window during daytime

Wholesale Investment Firms

Our team assists various clients in wholesale, including hedge fund managers, private market firms, brokers, and corporate finance entities.


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Payment Services and Cryptoassets

Our capital markets team offers asset managers and broker-dealers expert regulatory services.​


three person climbing on snow covered mountain

Insurance, Mortgages and Claims

We assist clients in the insurance industry, including brokers, companies, and intermediaries like motor dealerships and call centers.


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Consumer Credit

We've streamlined compliance requirements for lenders, brokers, and consumer credit businesses in various sectors.